Toll Free Virtual Voice Mail |
Cutting-edge, easy-to-use, affordable Communication System
iTeleCenter is an 800 Voicemail system, 24/7 Recorded Message Hotline, Virtual Phone System and a Fax Line all in one.
Let iTeleCenter impact your business in a powerful way! Easily! Quickly! Inexpensively! How you and your business will communicate with the rest of the world is one of the most important business decisions you will ever make! The telephone is one of the primary ways in which your prospects and clients will be communicating with you. As you know, First impressions are everything!' and iTeleCenter can give you that Fortune 500 image without the Fortune 500 cost! Increase Your Sales By Providing Information About Your Company & Products 24/7 – 24/7 recorded message hotlines are a type of voice-mail system that allows you to record messages that your prospects can listen to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Your prospects simply call your hotline number and receive your message(s). After your prospect has listened to your message, they have the option to either leave a message for you (with their contact info) or be connected/forwarded to a live person.

Here's what your recorded messages will do for you:
Reach prospects, customers and clients around the clock
Eliminate customer fears of high-pressure sales pitches
Save time – let the system sift, sort and screen prospects
Receive pre-qualified, warm prospects rather than "tire kickers"
As Dan Kennedy mentions in his book No B.S. Business Success
"Offering additional information to prospective customers via a free recorded message compared with requiring prospects to call a regular business number and talk with a live salesperson almost always boosts response. At the same time, the recorded message lets you, the marketer, run ads, send out mailings, and handle all the initial response without any significant staff requirements and without having to take calls personally."
Portray a Professional Image
When you have a Toll-Free number your customers will perceive your business as being more solid, well established and successful even if you're working from home.
Only One Number to Remember & Provide – Think about it! A business card with just one number that can reach you anywhere, anytime and only when you want to take the calls; it's that simple.
Organize employees and departments – Have one centralized telephone number regardless of where your employees are located. Unify physically remote workers into a single Toll-Free number. Assign separate extensions to each employee, and calls will forward to wherever they are!
Save Time By ONLY Talking to the Callers You Want to
iTeleCenter announces the callers name and/or phone number giving you the option to either take the call or send it to voicemail. Our Caller ID captures the phone number even if the caller blocked his or her number. You'll save huge amounts of time by sending "time wasters" to voicemail.
Never Miss an Important Phone Call Again – When you or your employees receive a call, your iTeleCenter contacts you at one of the numbers you have selected in your system to forward calls. iTeleCenter eliminates the need for your clients to make unnecessary calls to multiple numbers, and allows you to take your important calls anywhere so you'll never lose a sale again!
All of Your Communication in One Spot – iTeleCenter brings together all of your communications – e-mail, voice and faxes – in one place. And you can check all of your messages online, via e-mail, or from any phone. How much time do you spend everyday checking multiple voicemail and e-mail accounts?
Instant Notification of New Messages – iTeleCenter can alert you via e-mail, text message, or phone whenever you receive a new message so you can get back to your important prospects and clients right away.
Unlike most other providers we don't believe in nickel and diming' you for every feature. iTeleCenter gives you ALL the features at ONE low price.
You will get ALL of the Included Features listed below PLUS UNLIMITED INBOUND CALLS * for a flat monthly fee.
NO Surcharges or Fees
NO Confusing Per Minute plans
NO Pre-payment Minutes
NO Contract, Pay Month-To-Month, Cancel Anytime
NO Extra Fees for Features
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Just $29.95 per month Flat Rate fee for Unlimited Inbound calls and only 6.9 cents per minute for Outbound/Forwarded calls.